When remodeling homes for resale, it’s not unusual to discover walls that are sloped irregular, slanted or out. It’s no issue. You can cut and fit new countertops to any type of wall. Countertops are nothing more than particleboard with a laminate or tile covering applied following the particleboard is set up. Particleboard is a countertop material that is favorite because it has dimensions that are perfect, it’s dense and it can be cut in any direction without adhering to a grain layout. When countertops are installed in any house, precautions should be taken to make certain they fit tight against the walls.
Place the countertop . Twist it tight against the wallsocket. Slide a pair of cupboard scribes along the wall. A cupboard scribe is a small tool. It has two arms that are little. One side has a pencil. The other side has a plate, similar to a knife. As you slide the plate along the wall, the pencil transports the line of the wall.
Place the shirt that is particleboard . Using a saw, cut along the line that you brought against the scribes. Place the back. Check for fit; till it matches, if it doesn’t fit tight, scribe it again.
Set the scribe so the pencil along with the little plate are a quarter-inch apart. Place the scribe upside down to the cabinet’s front, under the edge of this particleboard top. The pencil should be marking the underside of the particleboard. Twist the scribe along the front of the cabinets and along one or both sides as necessary to create a lip.
Place the particleboard upside down. Use the saw to cut the edge along. Place the back on the cupboard.
Measure and cut the fascia with a miter saw to fit the sides as required. Cut a bit to fit the front. Run glue and nail it to the front and sides of this particleboard top with 1 1/4-inch nails. The top is prepared for tile or laminates.